The fastest way to growing a YouTube channel in 2022/2023

If you are passionate about starting up a YouTube channel now, then just go ahead and do it. If you have a YouTube channel and the growth is slow, then let me recommend a way you can gain that 1000 subscribers count and perhaps 4000 hours of watch time.
The whole idea of YouTube is that at the end of the day, you get a reward for your passion and creativity. Now YouTube has made it pretty easy to grow on their platform with the introduction of the ‘shorts’ segment.
YouTube shorts was introduced to compete with Tiktok. The idea was perhaps to have versions of videos that are less than one minute. YouTube is aggressively pushing this ‘shorts’ videos to it’s audience. Lately it’s looking more like people spend more time on ‘shorts’ shelve than on longer videos.
I started my uploading short videos on my YouTube channel some where around September last year and I have over 550 subscribers and over 700,000 views so far.

I recommend anyone who is interested in growing there YouTube channel right now should start with shorts. Find a niche you are familiar with or perhaps you want to have a vlog, then go ahead and do it.
The most important thing about YouTube is consistency. You might struggle with content ideas at the beginning stage but with time, it will all come full circle and become natural to you. Just go ahead grow your YouTube channel with ‘Shorts’.
Growing process
Like everything in life, it all takes time. You may not begin to get views except you are consistent with uploading videos. The key thing here is CONSISTENCY. So I strongly recommend you keep posting.
How many videos per day?
For starters, I recommend at least 3 to 7 videos everyday. When I started, I used to upload over 10 videos a day. I took all kinds of contents I could find and upload them provided they were copyright free materials.
Female factors
One thing I have come to recognize about social media is that it tends to favor females. So if you are a pretty lady looking to start a YouTube channel, then focusing on ‘shorts’ can get you there in no time. Just capitalize on your beauty and make the most of what you have. The way I see it, even beauty is a gift from God so use it positively.

Faceless channels
If you want to have a faceless channel then that is more than great especially for those who are camera shy. All you need is find a niche like ‘dogs’ or ‘cats’ videos that are interesting and keep posting.
Interesting captions are a sure fire to getting those views on YouTube. I recommend you get captions are attracts or gets people curious so they want to find out and see for themselves. Remember there are lots of shorts videos out there so make yours standout with interesting captions.
Search engine optimization (SEO)
There are apps out there right now that gives you the ability to get your videos up through SEO. Some of these apps are Tube Buddy and Vid IQ. They share captions ideas to help your video rank higher on the YouTube algorithm based on what people are searching for. Make use of them.
YouTubing isn’t easy. However, I believe the reward is certainly worth the effort so stay focused, diligent and keep your eyes on the prize.
Good luck