Natural Remedies I Used to Upgrade My Sex Life.

Every time I come on here, I feel like am about to take on the world. I never had this much pleasure in defeating any defects in my life compared to how I feel right now after overcoming the physical and emotional pressures associated with premature ejaculation.
I can hear the voice of the Nigerian born Afro beat singer ‘Fire boy’ ringing out loud in my thoughts … “remember this, …am a champion”.
I promised to follow up with the episode about the natural remedies I used to overcome this dreadful sexual dysfunction that made me depressed and frustrated my sex life.
Do you want to achieve the same results? Walk with me…

Fruits are one of our bodies main sources for vitamins. We need them to heal and repair tissues and other vitals organs in our bodies. Essentially , fruits contain nutrients that can also improve our overall well being even “sexually “.
Some of the fruits that I used as sexual aphrodisiac to overcome P.E (meaning; premature ejaculation) were water melon, lemon, garlic, cloves, ginger and honey. I actually found this recipe online and tried it out. Let me add that the use of ‘cloves’ in this recipe is purely my idea because I don’t know of anyone who uses this recipe. Bottom line, it gave the results I desired.
How to prepare

A handful of cloves

3 full spoon of honey

Cut your lemon in half.

One garlic and one ginger; make sure to wash and peel.

Use a juice squeezer to get the juices out of the lemon and add with the rest of the fruits. (See link). You can add some water if you like.
For me, I make so much of this recipe and have it stored in my refrigerator. I take a glass every morning when I get up from bed even before I wash my mouth. I make sure it’s the first thing that goes into my body in the morning and the last before I go to bed again at night.
Coupled with the physical exercises I do everyday, I can say without a shadow of doubt that I feel amazing improvements in my sex life.
How did I know?
I will share that with you in a bit.
Remember there is another recipe typical to this one and I tell you confidently that it is as effective as this one. These are all natural remedies and hardly with any side effects at least to the best of my knowledge. I have been making use of this remedies myself and I noticed how much I improved sexually.
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