Lost old lady

I Lost my old lady when she went crazy
Used to tell me tales of love and war history
She would say “for every scar there is a story”
Shackled with fetters of iron and brass
Still can’t alienate our destiny
My old lady told me funny jokes
She used to care as well as taunt me
We used to sail like the Navy
She broke a cord – I summoned her with a note
While I was reaching for her throat
I lost my old lady when she passed on
I still sing her favorite songs and mourn
Watching the embers flickering
Through the airy night
As I try to blind my thoughts from the gory sight
I lost my old lady becauseshe never loved me
She would smile in my face – behind my back stab me
With black magic and sorcery she would haunt me
Now she is lost with nobody to stop me.