How to eliminate depression with scriptures

There is absolutely no problem on the face of the earth that the word of God does not have a solution for. We understand that “with God, all things are possible”, hence when we are faced with certain life challenges and afflictions, the word of God is always there as a refuge in those trying times.
Depression is a slow killer. It’s a demonic tool to take your joy away. It makes you view life as a burden instead of the gift that it is. When you begin to perceive a gift as a burden, then you have to seek God. God word says, “come unto me all ye that are laboured and heavily burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11: 28)
God wants to give you rest from those depressing thoughts and emotions, but you need to take an action and ‘COME’ to him.
What is depression
Depression is a mood disorder characterised by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest causing impairment in daily life.
Ways to eliminate feelings of depression

The first step to solving a problem is digging out the root cause of the problem first off. A wise man once said “knowing the problem is 50% the solution”. This means the other half should be the solution.
Every human, at least 99%, have been plagued with these negative demonic feelings. For some, the fall into more negative patterns like becoming addicted to drugs or other self destructive vices, others begin to have suicidal thoughts, and so on. But this only makes it worse for the victim. The surest way of getting rid of depression is to know God.

Seek the Kingdom of God: As rightly outlined in the Holy Scriptures, “ seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you” ( Matthew 6:33). Seeking God is the first step. Instead of worrying, take your fears and insecurities to him and have faith that he will come through for you.
Practice self compassion: One sure way of eliminating feelings of depression is to love yourself. The Bible says “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). While we have sinned against God, we have also sinned against ourselves and some people can be very hard on themselves, unable to forgive themselves for the mistakes they made. Learning to have compassion and forgiving yourself is a sure way to get rid of depression. The Bible says “love your neighbour as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39). People suffering from depression hardly love themselves and so it’s hard for them to express love to others. That’s why chronic depression can lead to suicide. Practice self compassion, forgive yourself and move on in life.

Engage yourself in work you love: There is a famous saying “an idle man is the devil’s workshop”. This saying can be referenced in proverbs 16:27–29. Many people are engaged in work, but the question is ‘do you love your work?’. And if your answer is ‘no’ then you have to start falling in love with your work, and engage in something that makes you feel good about yourself. Don’t allow your work to become a burden and don’t stay idle either because if you don’t engage your mind, the devil will engage it for you.
Breath in deeply: Many have heard this a lot but it sure does wonders. As simple as it sounds. But when you find your thoughts running around aimlessly, just take deep breaths. Do this 3–5 times daily and see how you feel much better.
Prayer and meditation: By meditating, I mean prayer. The God word admonishes us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17–19). Prayer is the key that unlocks all doors and gives access to God. Find a quiet place and pray to God, ask HIM to send help to see how HE will do wonders for you.

Be kind to other people: Showing and expressing love can do wonders especially if you have feelings of depression. Go out of your way to be nice to someone. It doesn’t have to be until you offer money or gifts. You can call to check up on an old friend or family member. Offer gifts to those in need if you are buoyant, visit the orphanage or hospital and do something nice. Simple kind gestures like helping an old lady cross a busy road can help you regain positive feelings.
Live for the moment: One major cause of depression is our past. We keep thinking of what we did wrong, focusing on the mistakes we made that got us to our present predicament. The good word says “old things have passed away, behold all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Let go of past traumas and mistakes, go out, live in the present and try to focus on a brighter future. No problem can last forever.

Visualise a better picture: Try to paint a better picture of the person you want to become in your mind. The Bible says “as a man thinketh, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7). Begin to paint a better picture in your mind and see how you levitate.
Focus on success: The reason people feel depressed is because they are constantly focusing on their failures or mistakes in life. Learn to focus on your success. Block out all negative thought patterns. That’s the devil sowing evil seeds in your mind. Focus on wins, no matter how small they are.
Be grateful and give thanks: Whenever you feel like the world is against you, remember there are people who have been through worse and made it out. God’s words say “give thanks” (Psalms 100). Learn to count your blessings in life and be grateful for them.